Trademark Art Gallery

At Trademark Ink it's not just about body art, but all forms of art.

Our art gallery is currently hosting prints* from some of the worlds

best artists (in our humble opinion!) and some original work by our

in-house artists. Some local artists have agreed to display some of

their work and will be on display at Trademark Ink in the coming months.

Some art displayed is for sale. If you are interested in purchasing

any art on display, please email us, or call into the gallery Monday to

Saturday from 10am.

Drawings by tat2timmy (Not For Sale) 

Original  paintings currently for sale.

          'The Empty' by tat2timmy (SOLD)          'A Rose' by tat2timmy (SOLD) 

'Universe' by tat2timmy (For Sale)           'The Lantern' by tat2timmy (For Sale)                       

'Wreckage' by tat2timmy (For Sale)